A Time for Thanksgiving


For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven:

                                                                                                                Ecclesiastes 3:1 (ESV)


June is a special season for my family. On June 4 Debby and I celebrated the one year anniversary of our engagement. What a glorious occasion and a time for celebration.

The birthday parade begins with the celebration of my sister Susan’s birthday, 4 years my junior. She is without doubt the strongest person I have ever known. Since Sally died rarely a day has passed without her calling me. She took the mantle of strength from our Mom.

Then comes my birthday, which I share with one of my grandsons. Patrick is a very accomplished pianist and talented young man. He is tall and handsome. But his sweet personality tops his looks and his talent.

Next is the birthday of my oldest, Tommy. I am thankful for the man, husband and father he is, particularly to our granddaughter, Elizabeth.

The last birthday celebration of the month is for one of my daughters-in-law, Shannon.  She is the mother of three of my grandsons who she has raised to love the Lord. See, I am blessed!

And in the middle of all that, we celebrate Fathers’ Day.

As dear to me as all of these are, in a couple of days I will be celebrating the start of my 72nd year on this earth. It’s more special to me this year because there were several very real times when I was certain that I wouldn’t make it to this day. During one of those dark nights I clearly remember, I was hurting from drainage tubes and incisions, needle sticks and seemingly incapable of finding comfort. What came clearly to my mind was our Lord’s prayer in the garden of Gethsemane: “39 And going a little farther he fell on his face and prayed, saying, “My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will.” Matthew 26:39 (ESV) I prayed to take this very cup from me. And He did.

Yes, this year I’ll thank Him again every time I hold Debby’s hand, every time I hug one of my grandchildren, every time I marvel at His incredible creation. He hears and He answers prayer.

So while I will celebrate this month, what I most recognize – as I hope you do – is that our short time here is fleeting. We are not guaranteed tomorrow, or even a minute from now.

And now I can’t wait to discover what He has next in mind for me.

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