15 but as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, 16 since it is written, “You shall be holy, for I am holy.”
1 Peter 1:15-16 (ESV)
This is, for me, one of the most powerful and challenging commands in all of Scripture. According to one source there are over 100 verses that mention the phrase “you shall be holy, for I am holy” or similar expressions. How in the world can I ever even approach His holiness?
A close friend tells of an incredible experience that I’ve been given permission to share. Herb is the talented director of music at the Baptist church I attended when we lived in Louisiana. He had been invited as faculty for a worship leader training conference in South Africa attended by a large contingent from all over Africa. Each evening after the services the attendees would gather outside to sing…and as Herb says, “Sing they did!!” Beautiful tunes and rhythms and harmonies filled the night sky as they raised their voices in song. But then the group would begin to sway and dance, as is their custom. Being a good Baptist boy from his youth, this made Herb uncomfortable, and he found he wasn’t good at it! He found himself moving away from the crowd, separating himself from the dancing and swaying and singing leaders. Herb describes a voice that came to him in a flash – “How dare you not join together and sing praises with my people!!!” Whenever he tells me the story, you can see by the expression on his face how very real this was.
“How dare you!!” He asks each of us that question. How dare we not tell His story? How dare we not love our neighbors as ourselves? How dare we not forgive others? In fact, how dare we not be holy, for after all, we serve a HOLY God!!
So to answer my own question, “How in the world can I ever even approach His holiness?” Obey. Obey His commandments and His Word. Worship Him always in all ways. Praise Him for His incalculable grace and mercies never ceasing. Be holy, for He is holy.