For they are a nation void of counsel, and there is no understanding in them.
Deuteronomy 32:28
As difficult as it is for me to admit – and this another of these very signs I’m writing about – it seems that as I grow older, I understand less and less. About a lot of things. If the Lord wills I will make it to 75 next year, and I’m still not comfortable with that. So many things I don’t know yet, and it seems that I now know less than I used to!
Aging. Why is it that our debilities seem to compound as we age? Every day I think, “I can do that!” No. There was a time, long, long ago when I could, but not now. I’m not even allowed to be on ladders around our home. Why do things get misplaced? I’m not talking about losing objects, but physical things. Why do I have more hair growing out of my nose and ears than on my scalp? And what’s up with the eyebrows? I’m turning into Andy Rooney (for those my age, you’ll get it right away; for you much younger folks, look it up!)
Women. Why do I understand less than when I was younger? Ladies, you age, but you look so good doing it. And you care about how you look and how you dress. I go to concerts and parties and restaurants, and there are groups of women, all complimenting each other on how well they are dressed. Guys? As we age, we wear what is most comfortable. Sometime you might ask Debby about the wonderfully comfortable jeans – only 30 years old! – that she and my daughter made me throw away; all because of a bit of a tear in the seat. But they were so comfortable! I particularly notice ladies lunching together, all in the prime of Nashville haute couture. Instead, my guys’ breakfast group show up in the most comfortable and utilitarian garb possible, and I’ve discovered the wait staff at our breakfast spot calls us “The Geezers.”
Wellness. Now I know as a physician that some things are better for you than others. Regular exercise, healthier foods, etc. But, kale?? Really?
There are more things I don’t understand, but I’m getting tired and need a nap, so I’ll let it go for now. If you think of more that you don’t get, please drop me a note.
Old Michael
At 77, I can definitely commiserate! I’m one of those jeans and t-shirt ladies that just dons a prettier top for church or really special occasions – no haute whatever. And as for hair, well, getting whiskers is no fun even if I do still have hair on my head. And forgetfulness? Now., where was I….